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Vivax Malaria Geo-Barcode

Our EHI scientist and advisors were co-authors in a paper recently published at a Nature Portfolio journal; Communications Biology, titled “A

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Bioinformatics Data Analysis Workshop for Infectious Disease Surveillance at BBTKLPP Yogyakarta 12-13 December 2022

Bioinformatics Data Analysis Workshop for Infectious Disease Surveillance at BBTKLPP Yogyakarta 12-13 December 2022 EXEINS Health Initiative (EHI)

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WHO and Partners Launch world’s most extensive freely accessible AI health worker

The World Health Organization, with support from the Qatar Ministry of Health, today launched the AI-powered WHO Digital Health Worker, Florence

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World failing in ‘our duty of care’ to protect mental health and well-being of health and care workers, finds report on impact of COVID-19

A new report by the Qatar Foundation, World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) finds that

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New Recommendations For The Composition of Influenza Vaccines in 2023 for The Southern Hemisphere

The World Health Organization has announced the recommended viral composition of influenza vaccines for the 2023 southern hemisphere influenza

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