Improving the Quality of Blood Donor Services in Mimika Regency, Province of Central Papua

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Teknologi Bandung (LPPM ITB) in collaboration with the Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) kabupaten Mimika, Exeins Health Initiative (EHI) and the BRIN Research Center held a Community Service Training held at the Mimika PMI Building for two days, 24th–25th May 2023.

The title of the training is “Capacity Building Cadres and Volunteers of the Mimika Indonesian Red Cross to Improve the Quality of Blood Donation Services in Mimika Regency, Papua”. The training material will be provided by Dr.rer. nat Fifi Fitriyah Masduki and Dr. Indra Wibowo from the Bandung Institute of Technology, Dr. Leily Trianty from the Eijkman Research Center for Molecular Biology BRIN, Edison Johar, B.Sc, M.Sc from the Exeins Health Initiative (EHI).

This training was opened by Mr. Conis Manusiwa, Secretary of PMI Mimika and Dr. Enny Kenangalem, M.Biomed Deputy Chairperson for PMI Cooperation, Mimika. The process of blood transfusion is an important part of modern health services which if used properly and on indications can save the patient’s life and improve health status.

There are several obstacles in the use of blood from donors, including limited stock at PMI and RSUD Blood Banks, and also blood transfusions carry many risks, therefore various tests must be carried out before blood is transfused. Various attempts have been made to reduce the risk of transfusion, however, side effects such as the appearance of a transfusion reaction or infection due to transfusion may still occur.

According to the Minister of Health (2014), examination for infectious disease infections includes testing for HIV and Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis. Based on WHO (2016), there are 36.7 million people infected with HIV and in Indonesia in 2017 there were 242,699 people. According to the Directorate General of PP and PL (1987) in December 2016 it was reported that the cumulative number of HIV infections was 232,323 people and in Papua Province it was ranked 3rd in Indonesia with 24,725 people.

The Ministry of Health in 2014 reported that as many as 18 million people were infected with hepatitis B. Papua Province was infected with hepatitis B by 0.8%. Most HIV and Hepatitis B infections occur in the adult age group, namely ages 25-49 years and 20-24 years, (Kemenkes RI, 2017). The high rate of infection with HIV and hepatitis in Papua makes screening of blood donors very important. Currently PMI Mimika, Mimika Regency, Central Papua often experiences a shortage of blood donors and the workforce needed to screen for infectious diseases in the blood bags obtained.

PMI Mimika relies on volunteers, not all of whom have a health education background. Therefore it is important to increase the capacity building of PMI Mimika cadres and volunteers so that the quality of blood donor services and blood supply can increase.

Dr. rer.nat Fifi Fitriyah Masduki

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Institut Teknologi Bandung


Enny Kenangalem

Palang Merah Indonesia Mimika

Frilasita Yudhaputri

Exeins Health Initiative



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