Zoomal Stakeholder Meeting

Zoomal Project is a collaborative research between the Malaria Research Group at EHI, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Menzies School of Research (MSHR), and Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), supported by ACIAR. The activity focused on evaluating the transmission of zoonotic malaria and its correlation with agricultural land use in Indonesia. The research findings were discussed at the Wyndham Hotel Jakarta during Zoomal Stakeholders Meeting on 23rd-24th November 2023.

This important meeting brought together not only respected researchers working on mosquitoes, monkey behavior, agricultural land use, epidemiology, molecular biology, and mathematical modeling; but also influential policymakers from various institutions with different research backgrounds. It provided a valuable platform for collaboration, diving into the complex relationship between zoonotic malaria transmission and agricultural practices in Indonesia.


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